torsdag 10. juli 2008

iPhone release norway

grand opening... iPhone release in Oslo! opening 21hrs

tirsdag 24. juni 2008

iphone release i OSLO

Ryktebørsen sier at NetCom kommer til å kjøre ett fett party med mulighet til å kjøpe iphone fra klokken 24:00 den 10 juli - dette skal skje i Oslo...

downgrading from VISTA to XP on a new machine

1. start the new machine and let it install Vista
2. make backupdisks (now you have Vista for later if u want it)
3. ofcourse make backup if you have anything on the machine
4. start with XP cd in machine - start from cd
5. delete all partitions
6. create new partition
7. format partition using NTFS (quick)
8. install XP

lørdag 14. juni 2008

Espen Lind

Espen Lind gjorde to kjempe sanger i brylluper, stor honnør fordi han stilte opp...
Bryllupet var fantastisk bra alle ble passe beruset, danset og hadde det gøy :)

i bryllup...

Høy champis faktor, blir nok bra...

torsdag 12. juni 2008

For Mac-oholics in Norway

Lots of news and good Mac / Apple forums, on Norwegian...
Guess you all been there - if not here your chance

Cool W960 app

The GDesk is a really cool app. Its just impossible to find the download anywhere
download here:

So what does this program do? - well a-lot, Im trying to find out as I write...
But you can make your phone look like iPhone. So why dont buy an iPhone naaaw thats to easy :)

ok, got an SE w960i

pretty cool that its possible to blog instant from it! hopefully som fun things wil happen here


hvor dukker dette opp?